Paris Terror - The Hostages from the Hyper Cacher
Paris Terror - The Hostages from the Hyper Cacher
PARIS TERROR - Die Geiseln vom Hyper Cacher (German)
The VR documentary Paris Terror – The Hostages from the Hyper Cacher tells the story of three survivors of the anti-Semitic attack of 9th January 2015 two days after the Charly Hebdo attack. At Hyper Cacher, a Jewish supermarket chain, customers were taken hostages and four Jews were killed by the terrorist. Alain, Jean-Luc and Carole give unique insight in their experience during the hostage-taking. The viewer understands how much a terrorist attack can influence and traumatise victims even three years after the event. An abstract black and white 2D/3D animation mix re-enacts the experience in a respectful manner. The project was created by German broadcaster WDR/ARD.
Der VR Film „PARIS TERROR“ erzählt den terroristischen Überfall auf einen koscheren Supermarkt in Paris am 9. Januar 2015 aus der Sicht dreier Geiseln. Im Mittelpunkt stehen dabei die Empfindungen der unmittelbar betroffenen Menschen und ihre Erkenntnis, dass es sich hierbei um einen eindeutig rassistischen und antisemitischen Anschlag handelt.Wie verändert Terror das Leben von Betroffenen? Dieser Frage geht der WDR mit einer neuartigen Erzählform nach. Zum Teil befindet sich der Zuschauer an den realen Orten, zum Teil werden die Erinnerungen der Betroffenen mit Animationen nachgezeichnet. Ziel des Projekts ist es, das Unbegreifbare greifbarer zu machen. Der Film soll dazu beitragen, dass die Opfer der Anschläge nicht in Vergessenheit geraten. Plastischer wirkt das bewegende Projekt mit VR-Brille und Kopfhörer, wenn Bilder und Töne im 360-Grad-Raum erscheinen.
Animation, Documentary, Virtual Reality, Web / New Media
360° Cameras
Ricarda Saleh
Ricarda Saleh
Sophie Schulenburg
Alain, Carole, Jean-Luc
Sounddesign & Binaural Mix: Marcus Fass; 360° Stiching & Editing: Julia Heimbach, Julius Krenz; Concept Art: Sofiia Melnyk; 3D Seits & VR Compositing: Martin Backhaus; Dramaturgical Advice: Thorsten Schütte; Executive Producer: Maik Bialk; Camera: Ricarda Saleh, Stefanie Vollmann
“Should VR projects be created on experiences of terror attacks? Wouldn´t create VR too much pain for the viewer? We asked ourselves: How can we tell a story about this terror attack in a respectful manner? Our goal was to create a meaningful experience memorising this event and creating further understanding and empathy for victims of terrorism. The Hyper Cacher attac is an anti-Semitic attack and as in France and Germany racist and anti-Semitic movements are growing stronger in the recent years it was important for us to create further awareness on this issue.“
Ricarda Saleh is a German-Bolivian filmmaker. In 2017 she graduated from Filmacademy Baden-Württemberg with the 360° / VR documentary Lionhearted. The piece was shot at a self-organised refugee shelter in Athens and approaches the refugee crisis of the perspective of the 8-year-old Pakistani girl Rida.Her second VR film Paris Terror - The Hostages from the Hyper Cacher memorises the traumatic event of an anti-Semitic attack in Paris in January 2015. With special sensitiveness the story of three survivors is told. An abstract black and white 3D/2D animation-mix approaches the re-enactment in a respectful manner. The piece was published in several languages. For the German language version the renowned News Programme Tagesschau published the VR documentary.Ricarda also works in the field of UX/Interactive and Photography. Her work was shown at several exhibitions and festivals worldwide. For her work at the interactive film she was honoured with a Webby Award Nomination and the FAW Best Website of the Year Award.
In Consideration
Not Selected
Extended Deadline