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alsnabel street




Saudi Arabia




Tawaiq film The film talks about extremist parties and how these extremist parties are used through the media and social communication in an attempt to implant extremism in people who are not aware of life and have no ambition in life to achieve it.Extreme parties always try to attract people through the media and always focus on women's issues just because they realize that through women they will achieve what they want.The ambition of the extremist parties is to destroy the states, but not by themselves, but through the people who listen to them and believe them, and find that most of the drift behind these parties are the losers in life and addicts.Most of the movements of these parties follow from the systems of childish thought is the goal of entertaining the lives of people, they move the media as the child moves the doll how he wants.That the mountain of Tawaiq in this film is more like a steadfast nation and the people steadfast in the face of extremist parties is like the mountain fixed no matter how one tried to tamper with.In the end you will find a message from the Crown Prince Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who explains the entire film in a brief statement about his country and his people was the idea of ​​the film through these words.

فيلم طويقيتحدث الفلم عن الأحزاب المتطرفه وكيف هذه الأحزاب المتطرفه تستخدم عبر الإعلام و التواصل الاجتماعي في محاولة زرع التطرف في الأشخاص اللذين لا يدركون الحياه وليس لهم طموح في الحياه لتحقيقه .الأحزاب المتطرفه دائما تحاول جذب الناس من خلال الإعلام ودائما يركزون على قضايا المرأه فقط لأنهم يدركون أنهم من خلال المرأه سوف يحققون ما يريدون .طموح الأحزاب المتطرف هدم الدول ولكن ليس بأنفسهم بل من خلال الأشخاص الذين يستمعون لهم ويصدقونهم فتجد أن أغلب من انجرف وراء هذه الأحزاب هم الفاشلين في الحياه و المدمنين .إن أغلب تحركات هذه الأحزاب تتبع من أنظمه ذات فكر طفولي فهي هدفها التسليه بأرواح الناس فهم يحركون إعلامهم كما يحرك الطفل الدميه كيف ما يريد .أن جبل طويق في هذا الفلم هو أشبه بالدوله الصامده و الشعب الصامد في وجه الأحزاب المتطرفه فهي كالجبل ثابته مهما حاول أحد العبث بها .وفي الأخير سوف تجد رساله من ولي العهد السعوي الأمير محمد بن سلمان وهو يشرح الفلم كاملا بعباره مختصره عن بلده وشعبه فكانت فكرة الفلم من خلال هذه الكلمات .


Saudi Arabia


Saudi Arabia

Animation, Music Video, Short, Student, Virtual Reality, Web / New Media



1500 USD

HD (1-1-1) Timecode،H.264،AAC




Abdulrahman Yahya

Abdulrhman Yahya

Abdulrahman Yahya

My passion for filmmaking and directing since childhood was when I was sixyears oldMy uncle had a video camera and he recorder and photographing familymemos during meeting, but I was waiting for the moment when I gave up thecamera to go, and I was recording a video and talking as a sound backgroundfor the film. I was young then. It was a dream, as if I were yesterday. It is a good feeling when you dream of something and come true.

Film director, documentaries and short filmsHe has several films in Saudi Arabia and hasparticipated in several film festivals in Saudi Arabia.and has won numerous local awardsHe started his international career since 2015 atinternational festivals and continues to present


In Consideration


Extended Deadline, Extended Deadline

Horror , Animation


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